Understanding the Causes of Oil Filter Failure: 4 Common Factors
1. Filter Plugging
The filter gets clogged with contaminants such as varnish, sludge, and debris, causing a significant increase in pressure differential across the filter and reduced filtration efficiency.
2. Pore Erosion
Metallic particles or abrasive debris cause wear and erosion of the filter media, leading to larger pore sizes and reduced particle capture.
3. Filter Warping
Operational stresses, including pressure, flow, and temperature cycles, can cause the filter to warp and potentially result in fatigue cracking.
4. Media Migration
The cumulative effect of plugging, pore erosion, and warping can lead to partial or complete rupture of the filter structure, compromising its filtration capability and potentially releasing captured contaminants back into the oil flow.
Understanding the causes of oil filter failure is crucial to maintain the good condition of the filter
As it ensures proper filtration efficiency, prevents engine damage from contaminants, and prolongs the life of the engine.