Aug 21, 2018Aug 17, 20232018, news Neptunus completed the stanford seed program The last year at Neptunus has been a transformative learning experience…
Jul 21, 2018Aug 17, 20232018, news Sucessfuly completed building a system for kenya navy We are delighted to announce that Neptunus has successfully…
Jun 21, 2018Aug 17, 20232018, news Neptunus’s Visit to India Drilling and Exploration Conference (IDEC 2018). It was an honor for our MD, Uday Purohit to be asked to present his views…
Jun 15, 2018Aug 17, 20232018, news Neptunus Foundation day 2018 We celebrated our 22nd Foundation Day with great pomp and splendor
Oct 21, 2017Aug 17, 20232017, news Neptunus’s took a part in ET World Class Maintenance Summit 2017 Uday Purohit, our MD, was invited to speak at the ET World Class…
Jul 21, 2017Aug 17, 20232017, news Top 3 distributor of Niggata for 2016-2017 At the Niigata annual global distributor’s meet in Tokyo in July 2017,