The Neptunus Vision

With our cutting edge technology, combined with the fundamentals of mechanical engineering and the latest diagnostic technologies, our focus is to empower plant operators to detect emerging faults in their equipment, several months in advance.

By combining our expertise and experience, we aspire to make asset performance analyzable, monitorable, and integrated across all our customer’s machine units. All of which are ultimately geared towards running a reliable, profitable, and sustainable plant.

The Neptunus Solution

Neptunus’ Asset Reliability Management solution is geared towards detecting issues with machines at a micro level and not only at a macro level. The addition of IIoT & cloud enablement makes the machine health data available for remote monitoring via intuitive and customizable dashboards. Conventionally,  Predictive Maintenance Solutions are applied for “spot” monitoring of individual critical machines. Our Asset Reliability Management solutions brings about a revolution by custom engineering the solution for a complete process/ value chain as an end-to-end solution. Knowing early on that the bearing is in the critical alarm stage is more helpful than a detailed analytics report that pinpoints what is wrong, just before the bearing fails. Time is the essence here! To get the optimal results with a justified ROI, we deploy an IIoT enabled end-to-end solution across the process line. This is an evolution over the earlier contemporary practice of conducting predictive maintenance only at an ‘equipment’ level and using a spot solution.

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An overview of our End-to-End ARM Technology

Using the power of IIoT & Cloud technologies, the ball mill application displays our end-to-end ARM solution in action. Our customized detailed engineering solution has been designed and implemented to enhance the reliability of the ball mill in an Aluminum processing plant.

As shown in the schematic diagram:
Asset reliability management

Example of the Motor Diagnostic Dashboard

Want to get a hands-on feel and experience of the dashboard? Click Here to get a Live Demo.
Condition monitoring solution for diesel engines
Salient Features of Neptunus IIoT & Cloud Solution

Interested to know more?
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Benefits of Neptunus’ IIoT Enabled End-to-End Solution

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